Another fucked over fag has fallen in love with Sir Todd and the site’s training modules. Probably fucked up on cum and poppers, he wrote the following.. Nah, it’s in love with Sir Todd’s cock. That’s it.
This filthy faggt has been studying the modules for hours and hours on end for over a week now. It is clear what i am. i suppose that i always was a filthy little faggot cum whore and either didn’t know it or was fighting it as not to admit it, even to myself.
Since YOU had me destroy my loving gay relationship of over three decades, i have found myself sinking deeper and deeper into sick degradation, looking to push my limits and get dirtier and more disgusting with each new opportunity.
Now i find myself totally addicted to the “stories” on YOUR site, jerking my oversize clit as i imagine myself on the receiving end of each sick and humiliating tale.
i have passed the POINT OF NO RETURN and realize that i am totally owed by YOU. YOU now pull the strings, YOU have full control over this pathetic faggot and i give myself freely and totally to YOU.
YOU, SIR TODD, are everything that truly matters. i am honored and humbled that YOU might use me for YOUR STRAIGHT WHITE pleasure or gain.
Thank YOU for YOUR tireless efforts in weeding out faggots and putting us in our place so that we may take our proper place in society. YOU are truly all that mstters.
PS: feel free yo use this or any part of this email in any way that YOU see fit. In fact, i give YOU permission to use anything from any of my emails past, present, or those yet to come.
Followed by:
That’s a good start.

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