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Parliament (faggot enslavement) Act 2016 … Part 2
(Overview and sections 1 to 4 in part 1)…
5 Involuntary Enslavement
The methods and processed for involuntary enslavement vary depending on who is reporting the faggot.
5.1 Civil Involuntary Enslavement
Any male citizen of the UK or any male foreign resident over the age of 16 can use form F3 (“Reporting of a faggot”) on the government website to report a faggot providing their details in section 1 and details of the faggot in section 2. Section 3 is used to detail why it is being reported as a faggot.
A state enslavement officer will within 7 days visit the faggot and conduct an interview. If the individual can prove to the satisfaction of the interviewer it is not a faggot the process ends the original reporter is liable for a £250 fine and in repeat cases a maximum of 6-months imprisonment.
If the individual cannot prove it is not a faggot it will be deemed suitable for testing and it will be forcefully removed and detained at the state enslavement office for a period of up to 48-hours before testing begins. When in detention it can be restrained but is not allowed to be punished or used as a faggot. In must be fed once a day and given access to water
At the state enslavement office when testing is to begin faggot is stripped and made to kneel naked but unbound. It is instructed not to move for 24-hours. Throughout the period video evidence must be collected. Within the testing period any male employee of the state enslavement office can use the faggot in any way he wants (or bring in other men not employed by the state enslavement office to similarly use the faggot). The faggot must be used at least once in the 24-hour period (there is no upper limit on use). Due to the nature of involuntary enslavement the state is allowed to test the faggot for up to 72-hours and needs only to demonstrate one 24-hour period of faggot behaviour within that 72-hour maximum for the faggot to pass the test.
If, after 72-hours, the faggot has not passed the test it is free to leave and is exempted from any repeat faggot enslavement testing for a period of 21 days except where the state enslavement office appeals the failure. In the event of a successful appeal (which the state enslavement office must lodge within 72-hours) a new enslavement cycle with a maximum 48-hour detention and 72-hour testing can begin. There is no limit on the number testing cycles following successful appeals allowed the state enslavement office.
If the faggot does not pass the test there is no penalty for the reporter and the faggot has no right to compensation or refund for loss of earnings or other losses.
If the faggot successfully passes the test a state enslavement officer signs section 3 of form F2 and attaches the video evidence and submits the form online. The website will respond with a faggot identification number, which the state enslavement office will immediately get tattooed on the faggot’s body. The faggot is now the property of the state and may be put to work by the state or put up for private sale at one of the monthly slave auctions held in each county
5.2 Commercial Involuntary Enslavement
Enslavement Companies are authorised to carry out involuntary faggot enslavements where an employee acts as the reporter (on behalf of the company) and a non-employee acts as witness. The process begins by the Enslavement Company completing section 1 of form F2 “Forced faggot enslavement” entering any details they know about the faggot and section 2 detailing the circumstances that led them to request enslavement of the faggot.
The Enslavement Company is entitled to forcefully remove the faggot to the place of testing where a CCTV or other video recording system must be in place – the minimum requirement is a webcam recording when movement is detected.
Due to the nature of involuntary enslavement the Enslavement Company is allowed to forcefully detain the faggot for up to 48-hours before testing begins. In detention it can be restrained but is not allowed to be punished or used as a faggot. In must be fed once a day and given access to water
At the place of testing when testing is to begin faggot is stripped and made to kneel naked but unbound. It is instructed not to move for 24-hours. Throughout the period video evidence must be collected. Within the testing period the reporter, witness or any male employee of the Enslavement Company can use the faggot in any way he wants (or bring other men not employed by the Enslavement Company to similarly use the faggot). The faggot must be used at least once in the 24-hour period (there is no upper limit on use). Due to the nature of involuntary enslavement the Enslavement Company is allowed to test the faggot for up to 72-hours and needs only to demonstrate one 24-hour period of faggot behaviour within that 72-hour maximum for the faggot to pass the test.
If, after 72-hours, the faggot has not passed the test it is free to leave and is exempted from any repeat faggot enslavement testing for a period of 21 days except where the Enslavement Company appeals the failure. In the event of a successful appeal (which the Enslavement Company must lodge within 72-hours) a new enslavement cycle with a maximum 48-hour detention and 72-hour testing can begin. There is no limit the number testing cycles following successful appeals allowed the Enslavement Company.
If the faggot fails the test, after any appeals by the Enslavement Company, the company must pay a £25,000 fine to the State (to deter malicious or spurious testing). There is no penalty for the reporter or witness personally and the faggot has no right to compensation or refund for loss of earnings or other losses.
If the faggot successfully passes the test the Enslavement Company signs section 3 of form F2 and attaches the video evidence and submits the form online. The website will respond with a faggot identification number, which the Enslavement Company must have tattooed on a faggot’s body within 30 days (a free tattoo service is available if needed).
Enslavement is now complete and the faggot is the legal property of the Enslavement Company and can expect a period of weeks or months of intensive conditioning before being put up for auction to the highest bidder. There is no obligation on the Enslavement Company to auction or sell the faggot.
5.3 Personal Involuntary Enslavement
Any male citizen of the UK, or foreign make resident, over the age of 16 can take it on themselves to forcefully enslave and take ownership of a faggot by using form F4 (“Reporting of a faggot for personal enslavement”) on the government website to report a faggot providing their details, as the “reporter”, in section 1 and details of the faggot in section 2. Section 3 is used to detail why it is being reported as a faggot.
Due to the nature of forced enslavement the reporter can forcefully detain the faggot for a period of 24-hours before testing begins. In detention it can be restrained but is not allowed to be punished or used as a faggot. In must be fed once and given access to water
When testing is to begin the faggot is stripped and made to kneel naked but unbound. It is instructed not to move for 24-hours. Throughout the period video evidence must be collected. Within the testing period the reporter can use the faggot in any way he wants (or bring in other men to similarly use the faggot). The faggot must be used at least once in the 24-hour period (there is no upper limit on use). Due to the nature of involuntary enslavement the state is allowed to test the faggot for up to 24-hours and needs faggot behaviour throughout that period for the faggot to pass the test.
The faggot is free to leave at any time and is excepted from repeat faggot enslavement testing for a period of 21 days except where the reporter appeals the failure. In the event of a successful appeal (which the reporter must lodge within 72-hours) a new enslavement cycle with a maximum 24-hour detention and 24-hour testing can begin. There is no limit on the number testing cycles following successful appeals allowed the reporter.
If the faggot does not pass the test or leaves the reporter must sign section 4 of form F3 indicating failure and submit the video evidence. The faggot has no right of compensation against the reporter but the state may choose the review the video evidence and if it is not satisfied the individual was a potential faggot the reporter can face a £1,000 fine and a maximum of 6-months detention.
If the faggot successfully passes the test the reporter signs section 3 of form F2 and attaches the video evidence and submits the form online. The website will respond with a faggot identification number, which the reporter must get tattooed on the faggot’s body within 30 days (free tattooing services are available). The faggot is now the property of the reporter.
The state may choose to check the video evidence and if it is not satisfied the individual was a potential faggot the reporter can face a £1,000 fine and a maximum of 6-months detention. The faggot will be ceased and become state property. At the discretion of the state the faggot may be subject to retesting at a state facility. If it does not pass the test it will be retested a maximum of 3 times. If it is determined it is not faggot it will be freed and given £25,000 compensation (and any tattoo will be professionally removed). The individual will be exempted from potential enslavement testing for a period of 180 days.
(section 6 to follow)…

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