An amusing meme, yes. But also more true than you may know.

The faggot mind–its very nature–is instinctively drawn to Cock and mesmerized by Cock. If you faggots could observe yourselves when you see Cock, you’d know this to be true.

Your eyes glaze over. Jaw slackens. Salivation. Your mind goes blank as you briefly exist in pure wordless feeling, desire.

It has all the hallmarks of a hypnotic state. You are highly susceptible to suggestion during this moment. It is the ideal time to tap into, and strengthen, your faggot mind and nature toward the goal of eventually being a mindless faggot fuckzombie.

Short of that, just becoming a more attentive, focused, skilled, obedient faggot when serving Real Men. Here’s a place to start, whores …


1. Find an image of Cock that you find especially arousing. A gif showing a Cock Cumming is often ideal for this. It should have no text, however. Set aside a few minutes every day to be alone with this image. No distractions. That includes distractions on-screen (Close all browser windows, turn off notifications, etc.)

2. Sit before the Cock image. Close your eyes. Mentally will yourself to relax, releasing all tension from your faggot body. Open your eyes and gaze at the Cock image. This too should be relaxed. Don’t force it, don’t stare intensely, don’t blur the image. Just a relaxed fixation on Cock.

NOTE: Throughout this exercise your mind may wander, including thinking of how you want Cock, how you need Cock, how horny you are. When you notice your mind wandering, gently return your focus to the Cock image. Thoughts WILL happen. Do no fight them, but do not indulge them. Notice, and return to Cock. Notice, and return to Cock. This will get easier with practice.

3. Will your facial expression to be what it would be if you were in front of that Cock in real life, like I said above: Slacken your jaw. Feel yourself salivating for the Cock, feel yourself wanting the Cock. loving the Cock, needing the Cock. Feel yourself mesmerized by the Cock. There is nothing else. Only Cock. Cock is perfect. Cock is everything. Don’t try to think these things. Just feel it.

NOTE: Don’t neglect this part. Just as your physical state changes when hypnotized, you can reverse this and condition yourself to enter a hypnotic state by firstchanging your physical state. To dumb it down for you dumbfucks: Look and feel hypnotized to become hypnotized.

4. Continue this for only a few minutes. Take a break and come back to run through it again, and continue until you can do this without referencing this post. These are your practice runs.

5. Once you have the above process down, it’s time to bring in an induction trigger so that you can enter this Cock-fixated hypnotic state at any time. This will be tapping left index finger on the palm of your right hand three times (This isn’t mandatory. Any easy to remember, and do, trigger will work).

At the end of any hypno session you will use a return/exit trigger: Three light snaps of your finger. Though this isn’t as paramount as the induction trigger, since you can will yourself out of the hypnotic state.

You will now begin linking this trigger with your Cock hypnosis. As before, sit in front of your Cock image, close your eyes and relax. But this time–and from here on out–tap your index finger/use your trigger immediately before opening your eyes.

Continue the Cock hypno as before.

Once done, use your exit trigger, to return to your normal state.


With repeated practice you will be able to enter your Cock-mesmerized state whenever you choose, by simply using your induction trigger. This can be especially useful for faggots with inhibitions that get in the way of being an abject slut.

The more you practice the better you will become, and the deeper you will be able to go into total, mindless, Cock absorption. Some faggots may only notice subtle shifts at first, others will take to it quickly and with ease from the start.

In either case, this is a basic approach that can be expanded on later. And if you find a Master it will make you far more pliable to His Will, should he choose to take you deeper still into faggot hypnosis, and brainwash.

Alphas, find faggots that are trained and ready to serve your most intense needs and perverted desires.

Faggots - get raped even harder today. Get to training now!

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