On Jun 15, 2015, at 7:41 AM, Rich Dockter <mr***[email protected]> wrote:
Thank you Sir.  I am curious, however. What do you think a faggot truly is?  I know I’ve always understood that some men were superior to me.  It was a gut knowledge I could never shake.  I finally accepted my role in life. How do you define the truth of a faggot?

What is a faggot? 

Although not deemed a birth defect and as it is not a thing seen at the birth of an otherwise normal baby boy, faggotry seems inborn. While faggots are innately inferior to a real man, many are born normal, as though they will develop into a man. It isn’t until an early age that faggots start showing signs of their inferiority and sub-human status. It may be that they defer to the alpha boys at recess and the stronger alpha boys in school will often pick them out and use them as their punching bags in the manner one uses any tool for growth. It’s a sort of self-selection that identities faggots early on, either through self-outing or the outing of stronger, more self-actualized boys. Faggotry seems to appear prior to sexual realization and puberty. Even faggots that come out or are revealed as such later in life attest to their faggotry being established prior to their experience of puberty (as pathetic as it must be for them). And, rather than noting abuse by boys followed by a faggot feeling that a negative, most faggots I’ve talked to feel as though they asked for their bullying and innately craved it…they deserved it; hardly a fault of the straight boys there to simply help out. Even in these early stages of life, it is clear how important and necessary the straight boy is in the development of a faggot and this again points to how much the faggot really owes straight men in being all that they are. So, it appears unlikely that a developmental flaw of puberty or some fluke of nature creates a faggot, but rather, faggots seem to be born faggots and are destined for use by real men.
Faggots are built inferior in so many ways. More often than not, their penises are much smaller than those of superior straight men. In the instances where a faggot has had a larger penis, it is never in an operational capacity like that of a straight man’s. Faggots often have trouble establishing and maintaining erections and in only the rarest of instances are they able to penetrate a partner during sex. It is sad, but also comical. Straight men have an innate hatred of faggots due to the exhausting pursuit of straitor men by faggots throughout the course of their lives. Faggots seem to have a trade-off in what they consist of. Instead of a full human soul with a normal sexual appetite, they are born with less of a soul and are ridiculously over-sexed. They are happy and grateful to serve as nothing more than a human receptacle, a sex toy in human form that wants to be abused and desires hatred. This makes a faggot barely human and unrecognizable as anything that fits in the category of normal. Certainly no parent would ever want to find out they bore a faggot child. It is the equivalent of birthing a straight man’s fuck toy.
All of these faggot traits make it a despicable being. It is constantly thinking of sex, will do anything to be abused and gets off on being humiliated, particularly in a public setting. Their departure from all that is respectable and normal, in the sense of what is natural, make them a strange creature for centrain. While I do not claim to know with 100 percent certainty the purpose of a faggot, I do know that they are abundant, disposable, overse end and often a pain in the ass. Whatever they are, they need to find gratitude and a deep understanding of their place in life. The faggot rights movement has done so much to veer off this path that their destruction has become an inevitable consequence. It is the only way to fix this surge and overrunning of the earth by faggots. Even straight men can only fuck a face so many times and push away stupid faggots before they grow sick of their incessant harassment and pleading, hence a strong embracing of the phrase, “Fuck You Faggot”.

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